Latest News
Posted on March 14th 2018
It's Official...We're Outstanding.
Following the recent inspection we are delighted to announce that we have officially been graded as an Outstanding school by OfSTED.
The report highlights the fact that “as a result of highly effective strategies and an unfailing determination by leaders and staff that every pupil will succeed, outcomes are exceptional for all groups of pupils”. However this story is very different to that of previous years, and it is only since the Harris Federation took over the school and appointed Dr Moody as Principal in 2014 that significant and tangible progress has been made.
OfSTED credited the “strong relationships between teachers and pupils” acknowledging that this has a direct correlation with the “studious atmosphere in lessons”. It was also noted that “pupils show tremendous pride in their learning and consistently commit to improving their work in response to teachers’ feedback.”
Dr Moody’s “outstanding leadership and unwavering commitment to every pupil” was credited in inspiring staff and students alike to aspire to excellence in every realm of their learning and development. He said, “I am exceptionally proud of all we have achieved at Harris Academy Battersea over the last four years and this report confirms what we already knew; that exceptional and passionate staff working with students who are driven, committed and serious about their education culminates in outstanding results”.
The full report is available to read here.