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24 Y12 Chemists ventured to Imperial College and carried out practical techniques, calculations, identified common method mistakes and accurately observed then recorded results. The students were described "as role model students" by the university staff!


I found a king in me and now I love you I found a king in you and now I love me' On Monday some of students saw the play 'For Black Boys...' at the Garrick Theatre. The group roared with laughter, sang along and (almost) cried during the emotional performance!


Well done to all students who took part in Wandsworth Schools Athletics Champs. Congratulations to Tom Radford-Silver in the Shot Putt, Kymarley Morrison-Silver in the Triple Jump, Samuel Mireku-Kwasi-Silver in 100m Hurdles and Ajdin Sabic-Bronze in the Shot Putt.


14 Y11 students visited Oxford University for a taster day on Wednesday and left inspired that with hard work and commitment to their study a future place is a realistic aspiration!


What an exceptional start Harris Academy Battersea Y9 students have made to their new STREET ART project!


Well done to our Student Leadership Team who go above and beyond in their meetings to ensure collaboration across KS3. Their innovative ideas to amplify student voice within the school, whilst also providing a direct channel of communication are greatly appreciated.


Some of our female students attended a panel discussion and Q+A from seven inspirational female leaders from a variety of industries. Louise in Y10 was braved to preform some of her poems in front of everyone.


30 Year 10 pupils went to the Apple head offices in Battersea Power Station to learn all about how Apple Books are published and created and to get an insight into the digital publishing world on 6.03.24.


10 of our 6th Form students went to open their fast in Battersea Art Centre as part of London's first Open Iftar event this year! It stands as the UK’s largest and acclaimed community event during Ramadan.


Our Y9 Debate Mate Club achieved fantastic success in their Pitch Project. They showed a fantastic growth in confidence, and presented with clarity and composure, sharing a range of thoughtful ideas. This was part of a large national competition, and they were placed fourth!


Congratulations to the HABS boys' and girls' basketball teams. The boys won vs Ark Putney and Chestnut Grove with 16-2 & 15-7 and the girls won vs Harris Clapham with 55-28! Most importantly they played for each other and supported each other.


Congratulations to the incredible Y7's who participated in the Harris Spelling Bee! Your resilience and outstanding sportsmanship throughout the 5 challenging rounds are truly commendable. You've not only showcased your spelling prowess but also set a shining example of teamwork!


Well done, to HABS KS5 students who have raised more than £200 for Doctors without Borders to support them with aiding medical care across the world in places of conflict!


Big thank you to for helping our wonderful student, Chelsea, to tick this off her bucket list! She got to watch the game, meet the team, and received a signed Hockey stick by the players! Big shout out to Graham for organising!


So thrilled to share the achievements of 6 formers who were rewarded an Ice-Skating trip. It was a celebration of their proactive approach in seeking extracurricular opportunities and dedicated efforts towards personal development. Massive well done to our students!


Enjoy the following stills from the Year 11 Drama Component 2 Final Performance. Students put on a show of their best Crucible and Top Girls scenes exploring the theme of POWER.


Well Done to all of HABS CNAT and Vocation Year 11 students for getting their coursework and performance portfolios completed!


Congratulations to Joel Sea and Roman Bafi on their outstanding achievements this term. Roman has been offered scholarships from the San Francisco Ballet School and Joel is the Regional Jack Petchey Speak Out Champion. We are immensely proud!

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

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Examination Results

Year 11 results 2024

The students at Harris Battersea celebrated a fantastic set of GCSE results for 2024. Despite all the disruption to their education the students achieved great outcomes and were rightly proud of their success. 

The Academy has seen 40% of Mathematics entrants achieve a grade 7 or above whilst almost 80% of Chemistry entries and almost 75% of Physics grades were awarded a Grade 7 or higher.

One student who has achieved particularly impressive results is Valentina Sanna, who obtained 11 top Grade 9s, including in English, Maths, all three Sciences as well as an impressive three languages!

Other students celebrating include:

  • Lina Ghalem who secured eight Grade 9s and one 8;
  • Jamila Abdow who achieved five Grade 9s, one Distinction* and three 8s;
  • Majida Ali who achieved five Grade 9s, one Distinction* and three 8s;
  • Abdihakim Abdi who secured five Grade 9s and two 8s.

Charlie Comerford, Head of Academy, said:

“Congratulations to all our Year 11s on a brilliant set of GCSE results. It has been wonderful today to see them celebrating after many years of hard work and perseverance during their time at our Academy.  I have every confidence that our students will go onto great success as they further their studies in Sixth Form.

“Our staff have been incredible in supporting our students throughout their GCSE studies, helping them achieve their goals today.  We are incredibly fortunate to have such a fantastic team at Harris Academy Battersea and I would like to thank all our staff for their tireless work and enthusiasm.

The Academy's mission is to enable our students to thrive in a changing world. These results are a clear demonstration that students thrive at HABS!"


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Sixth Form results 2024

Our 6th Form results were excellent with students accessing fantastic Post-18 pathways.


We have had stand out results in Mathematics with a large cohort averaging a B and nearly half of the cohort (21 out of 46) gaining an A* or A grade. 

A small cohort of Further Mathematicians did even better with an average APS of 42 and two students gaining the top A* grade. 

The standout subjects in Humanities were History and Politics. All Historians scored a C or better and in politics more than 85% of students gained an B grade or above.

Average grade for CTEC Vocational pupils is Merit.