Contact Page
For general enquiries please call reception on 0207 622 0026 or email Ms Matovu at info@harrisbattersea.org.uk.
Principal: Mr Charlie Comerford
Vice Principal - Curriculum: Mr Steve Hinz
Senior Assistant Principal: Behaviour & Personal Development - Mr Chris Edwards
Senior Assistant Principal: SENDCO - Ms Roxanne Henson
Chair of Governors: Ms Dorothy Deakin Elliott (Ms Dorothy Deakin Elliott can be contacted via the Academy's address Harris Academy Battersea, 401 Battersea Park Road, Battersea, London, SW11 5AP)
To report safeguarding concerns: Please contact our Designated Safeguard Lead, Ms Shannon Cambridge, on 020 7622 0026 or email Safeguarding@harrisbattersea.org.uk
If you have a safeguarding concern during any period the academy is closed, please call Wandsworth Children's Social Care on 020 8871 8999 (out of hours) or email Mash@wandsworth.gov.uk More information you can find at https://www.wandsworth.gov.uk
If you think a child is in immediate danger or in the event of an emergency, please call 999.
General Enquiries: info@harrisbattersea.org.uk
Harris Academy Battersea,
401 Battersea Park Road,
SW11 5AP
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7622 0026
E-mail Address: info@harrisbattersea.org.uk
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